FEBRUARY 27—The curtains will come down on the 2013 Gatorade Development Series on Friday night, with the Rey O’Neal Fast Times meet, starting at 5:30 p.m.
O’Neal is a September 19, 1970 founding member of the BVI Athletics Association and is its longest serving president, having served from 1970-73 and 1978-2003.
Friday’s competition—the fifth in the series--is the final tune up for the March 8-9 National Jr. Championships, which also serves as the Carifta Games Trials.
Over the course of the series that began on Jan 12, there have been numerous personal best established and athletes have made qualifying standards for the IAAF World Youth Championships, the Pan Am Jr. Championships and the Carifta Games.
Friday, March 1
Gatorade/Rey O'Neal Fast Times
Start Time: 5:30 PM
Friday, March 1
Gatorade/Rey O'Neal Fast Times
Start Time: 5:30 PM
Events on the program includes:
1. Triple Jump ----------U17, U20 & Open Male & Female
2. 400MH ---------------- Open Male & Female
3. Discus Throw ----------U17, U20 & Open Male & Female
4. 400M -----------------U17,U20 & Open Male & Female
5. High Jump ---------------- Open Male & Female
6. 200m --------------U13, U15, U17, U20 & Open Male & Female
7. 100MH ------------------ Open Male & Female
8. 110MH ------------------- Open Male & Female
9. 600M ---------------------U13 Male & Female
10. 800M ------------------U15, U17, U20 & Open Male & Female
11. 100M ---------- U13, U15, U17, U20 & Open Male & Female
Online registration is in progress through midnight on Monday, March 4, for the National Jr. Championships/Carifta Games Trials on Friday and Saturday, March 8-9.
The semifinals will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, March 8 and includes the 100m semis and finals in both U17 and U20 divisions. The 400m semis as well as the Javelin Throw, High Jump and Triple Jumps, 1500m finals and the first two events of the Pentathlon will also be contested.
Preliminaries competition on March 9 will run from 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 including the 200m heats. Finals will begin at 4 p.m.
A technical meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, at the Multipurpose Sports Complex.