Ravi Sukhu won the first race of the 2014 Road Racing season, the Dive BVI 5K Series opener on Virgin Gorda. PHOTO: Todd VanSickle
JANUARY 21—Ravi Sukhu and Kathleen Brownsdon kicked off the 2014 BVI Road Racing season in Virgin Gorda on Saturday with victories, in the Dive BVI 5K Series that attracted 61 participants.
Sukhu held off Virgin Gorda’s Emrol Amsterdam who was 14 seconds back while Brownsdon was followed by Kim Takeuchi.
“It went very well and we had an awesome turnout and nice representation from Tortola and everybody had a great time,” said race director Casey McNutt. “We had 61 participants and we highlighted the BVI Cancer Society for this race, did a drive for them, people came out and we raised $400 from the participants. Everyone had a great spirit and it was a fun race.”
Each race of the series a donation will be collected for a charitable organization with the upcoming race on Feb 8 assisting the Virgin Gorda Animal Rescue and Control Organization. Others to benefit are VISAR and the Lions Club.
The Dive BVI 5K Series will be followed by the Dive BVI 10K Series and the 3rd Virgin Gorda Half Marathon on May 17. Road races on Tortola starts on March 8 with the Blenheim Trust 5k Series , which is followed by the Ceres Juices 10K Series, the HLSCC College Classic Series and the 9th BVI Half Marathon.
Final Results: Male: 1. Ravi Sukhu, 20 minutes and 04 seconds. 2. Emrol Amsterdam, 20.18. 3. Pablo Olarte, 21.22. 4. Zebalon McLean, 21.40. 5. Curwin Andrews, 22.17. 6. Keith Williams, 22.20. 7. Joe McIvor, 22.26. 8. Patrick Ormond, 22.44. 9. Charles Kerins, 23.18. 10. Jonathan McCarthy, 23.48. 11. Jeremiah Abrams, 24.54. 12. Alex Matas, 25.20. 13. Gareth Watkins, 26.17. 14. Federico Biggo, 26.17. 15. Donald George, 27.07. 16. Anthony Winchester, 28.27. 17. Wilbert Samuel, 29.39. 18. Stephen Beard, 29.56. 19. David Payne, 31.04. 20. Marc Taggart, 31.57. 21. Mel Wicks, 32.14. 22. Dave Ellis, 34.05. 23. Zoltan Birinyi, 39.35. 24. Ian Roy. 41.08. 25. Deandre Thomas. 42.31. 26. Jhonny van der Werff, 43.46. 27. Jeff Nichols, 46.16. 28. Rupert Raven, 46.16. 29. Atlas Van Sickle, 48.40.
Female: 1. Kathleen Brownsdon, 21.41. 2. Kim Takeuchi, 22.51. 3. NiMade Oniash, 24.01. 4. Lara Leyton, 24.31. 5. Berenice George, 24.32. 6. Nicola Iuso, 24.39. 7. Sara Hayes, 24.44. 8. Kay Reddy, 25.08. 9. Vivian Toro, 25.30. 10. Jenny McIvor, 26.14, 11. Kate Littlefield, 29.27. 12. Chislaine Hoogendijk, 29.36. 13. Vicki Woodill, 29.50. 14. Olympia Grassi, 29.54. 15. Guendalina Buzzanca, 29.55. 16. AJ Syrrett, 30.57. 17. Debbie Ridgeway, 31.30. 18. Claire Burke, 32.25. 19. Tara Murphy, 35.34. 20. Annete Wicks, 37.32. 21. Chris Yates, 43.14, 22. Becca Knight, 43.46. 23. Laticia Lennard, 44.52. 24. Luana Casoni, 45.42. 25. Caitlin Nichols, 46.16. 26. Pierrete Agen, 48.00. 27. Debbie Bruce, 48.10. 28. Christine Goschler, 48.17. 29. Arlyn Gordon, 48.40. 30. Betty Paradisi, 51.37. 31. Lynne Hawkins, 51.37. 32. Beth Besom, 51.37.